Declaration of Faith

We are a Missionary Baptist Church (In fellowship with all denominations of the faith of Christ.)

We preach Christ and him Crucified

We worship in Spirit and Truth (John 4:24)

We hold the Holy bible (Old & New Testaments) as our only rule and guide (2 Peter 1:21) (1 Tim 3:16)

We believe the God of the Jewish people is God also of the Church of Christ.

We believe in baptism by water and spirit (Acts 2:38) (Mat.28:19) (Acts 8:15,16)

We believe in God manifested in three persons (1 John 5:7) (John 1:1-14)

We hold to the doctrine taught by the Apostles of Christ (Acts 2:42) (Rom.16:17)

We adhere to the traditional belief and practice of the early church (2 Tim 3:14)

We believe in the 2nd coming of Christ for his church.(Mat 24:30,31)

Interested in membership? you may join with us by responding to the invitation extended each Sunday and other regular church services by the minister.

1. Water Baptism (Being baptized as an outward show of obedience and acceptance of Christ as Lord.

2. Christian Experience (A baptized Christian in fellowship with Christ or being a repentant backslidder having known Christ)

3. Letter: (Church letter from a former church)

4. Watch-care: (Christians unable to travel to their home church but do not wish to drop their membership in their home church) Special consideration is given to Watch-care members who financially support their home church.

You may given further information regarding membership by calling the Pastor at (302) 736-1039

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New Jerusalem Baptist