Sunday School

Bible Study 


Bible Verses:   Ruth, Matthew 22: 41-46, Romans 8: 16-17

Galatians 3: 26-29, Ephesians 1:5

Memory Verse: The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God: Romans 8:16

Not everyone was born into a lineage of a royal bloodline. Not everyone can say they are a descendant of a queen or king. How great would that be if you could? How wonderful would it be to know you were a part of the greatest royal family known to all mankind? Born into the family of the king of all kings. Who wouldn’t want to be a part of that family? Who wouldn’t want a seat at that table?

In the bible God demonstrates that anyone can become a part of the greatest royal family of all, his family, and Jesus tells us how. God became a part of the human family so that we could become a part of his heavenly family.

Everyone is invited into God’s family. Romans 1:16. For thousands of years gentiles were on the outside but then we see a woman named Ruth in Jesus’ genealogy. Ruth was a gentile, a Moabite, (a tribe of people who were descended from a cursed race). The Moabites fought Israel for many generations and were their mortal enemies. Ruth had married one of Naomi’s 2 sons. Soon after, Naomi’s husband and both her sons had died. She decided to leave Moab and go back to Israel. One daughter-in-law chose to stay in Moab but Ruth chose to go with Naomi and worship the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. God rewarded her faith. Ruth remarried a close relative of Naomi, becoming the great grandmother of king David and an ancestor of Jesus.

God in his wisdom saw to it that Jesus would be conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of a woman so that both his full deity and his full humanity would be evident from the moment of his conception to the time of his birth. The virgin Mary conceived the baby Jesus by the Holy Spirit of God. Both the virginity of Mary and the activity of the Holy Spirit were necessary so that God could become a part of the human family. As a human he would be one of us: as God he would love all of us.

Matthew, who is a Jew, shows Jesus’ genealogy all the way back to Abraham. Matthew chapter 1. Luke, who is a Gentile, goes all the way back to Adam, Luke 3: 23-38. Jesus is the son of Adam. he is a human being; but he is also the Son of God. His earthly birth made him a part of our human family. He did this so that we could be spiritually born into his heavenly family:

Christ, the son of God became flesh like as a son of Adam, that we, sons of Adam, might become sons of God.

While he was on earth, Jesus was fully human, just like you and just like me. He was tempted, hated, persecuted, begotten, hungry, thirsty, and brokenhearted just like you and just like me.

Jesus was also fully God, and through him we are able to become a part of his heavenly family. The first time you are born, you are born into the family of Adam; but when you are born again, you are born into the family of Jesus. John 3: 1-7

When you are born again everything about you changes. The way you walk, the way you talk, your attitude and thoughts, even your personality changes to that of someone from royalty. So walk with your head up high, confident, and elegant. Behave respectfully and dress regally for you are a part of the Royal family, the family of the King of all Kings. Revelation 17: 14, Revelation 19: 13, 16

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