Pastor's Bible Lessons

My 51st State of Union Message

  1. The church for most part is asleep at a time the bible taught we should awake out of our sleep. (Rom.13:11-14). The Carl Marx of Germany (an Atheist) and his communist ideology is alive well and taking strong roots in America and around the world.
  2. A recent Article reads “Communism turns the world into its church, bringing all aspects of social life under its purview. The Devil occupies people’s thoughts, causing them to revolt against the divine and discard tradition. This is how the devil leads man to his own destruction.”
  3. I add, the devil intercedes in the minds of the unsaved and unaware, to support the “Atheistic” communist ideology. Communism is a disguise to cover Satan’s involvement, being known  just as an alternate form of government.
  4. Scripture warns of such a time as this (2 Thess 2:7,8)
  5. Yes, God will destroy Satan’s the work of the Godless, Atheistic Communist teaching, but the church should be awake and aware of what is going on in our world, lest we be unwittily partakers of this ungodly departure from America’s traditional (Ju’dea-Christian) faith.
  6. This Carl Marx, though dead, would complete the aim of Hitler in the destruction of our country.


Pastor's Bible Studies series

Lesson on Suffering

Series: Pastor's Bible Studies
Date: May 13, 2023
Download: Lesson on Suffering
Plays: 6
Sermon Notes: PDF
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Pastor's Bible Studies series

Lesson on Suffering

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